Resources on Social Media

Social Media is everywhere lately and increasingly it's a big challenge to navigate for both parents and students. Threats of sexual predation, bullying, digital footprints, and data mining are just a few of the potential areas parents need to think about when they allow their children access to smart phones and social media. We encourage families to view the presentation on social media and internet dangers given by special investigator Lee Damuth. We encourage all parents to become informed about the dangers of social media and to that end have provided many resources below. We hope you'll take the time to look through them.

  1. Social Media was not designed with middle school students in mind: Click here for an article explaining why

  2. Article on the most dangerous apps of 2017:

  3. Social media networking safety:

  4. Kids and Socializing Online:

  5. Commonsense Media offers lots of resources on Social Media:

  6. The movie Screenagers is excellent for discussion with students but also offers excellent articles, newsletters, screentime contract samples, and commentary on social media issues on its website.

  7. This website provides young people a way to report any threatening behaviors or activities endangering themselves or someone they know, in a way that keeps them safe and anonymous. Safe2Tell® is a state-funded strategic initiative of the Colorado Department of Law, Office of the Attorney General.

  8. Teaching kids to be smart about social Media: Kids Health

  9. An excellent resource list of articles on specific apps